2024 Weekly Fall Bouquet Subscription 6 Weeks on Farm Saturday Pickup

2024 Weekly Fall Bouquet Subscription 6 Weeks on Farm Saturday Pickup


If you love fresh flowers on your table every week and don’t mind making a quick stop at our farm located just south of Alexandria, Kentucky; we have just what you need!

Our Fall bouquet subscription is a little heavier on the autumn colors, think magenta, orange, deep golden yellows, reds. There is usually the addition of a few select varieties such as Amaranthus, late sowings of colorful celosia and if mother nature helps me out a little bit maybe even a dahlia or two!

Our flowers are started by hand from seed and are grown in our fields without pesticides or chemicals. They are cut at the peak of their harvest window so you get the longest vase life possible. Your bouquet will be a mix of flowers, scented herbs and greenery; loosely arranged in a farm style bouquet. Wrapped in paper and ready for you to take home and put into your favorite vase.

The bouquet pictured is an example of the type of bouquets we make; the flowers and colors in the bouquet will vary from week to week but be of similar size. Ready for you to pickup at our farm every Saturday on the dates and times listed below.

August 31. September 7, 14, 21, 28. October 5. (Weekly for 6 weeks) 10-2pm.

11900 Lees Road Alexandria, KY 41001

Please don’t sign up if you aren’t able to pickup at the above dates, times and location.

The buyer will be notified by email several days before the start date of the share.

Occasionally inclement weather prohibits the harvest. Should this occur we will notify you and schedule a makeup week. Luckily this is a rare occurrence.

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